Collection of Jokes:

Actions Joke Punchline
What’s a Cannibal’s favorite snack? A knuckle sandwich!
How do you get to the weight room at Hogwarts? Through the Dumb-bell-door
What do you call it when you mix alcohol and American literature? Tequila Mockingbird
What happens when you boil a funny bone? You get a laughing stock
What do you call a superhero with a bad sense of direction? Wander Woman
What’s the world’s saddest pizza? Pepperlonely
did you hear about the monkeys who shared an Amazon account? They were Prime mates
Why did local police acquire 1,000 bees? They were being used in a sting operation
What do you call a sad cup of coffee? A depresso
Did you know you can get paid for sleeping? It’s a dream job
What’s the most groundbreaking invention of all time? The shovel
What language do oranges speak? Mandarin
How does a computer get drunk? It takes screen shots
What does a house wear? Address
How do you make a waterbed more bouncy? Add spring water
What are scientists’ favorite dog breed? Labs
Where’s the best place in America to shop for a football uniform? New Jersey
What do you call a participation trophy in astronomy? A constellation prize
What do snails become when they die? Escarghosts
What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? An irrelephant